Thursday, June 11, 2009

Men and Women

I was checking out one of the boxes outside, and I came across with a book that I find quite interesting. The title of the book is "The Friendships of Women" by Dee Brestin, Copyright 1988, a year older than me. The list that you will see is not a battle of two sexes, but its their uniqueness. Here are some excerpts that I would like to share:

-are comfortable with a single friend

-are usually open in showing of their affection
i.e, notes, hugs

-will empathize to a problem
-tend to be right brained
-are more interested in the person they are enjoying the activity
-her sense of worth is tied to her relationships

-prefer to play in teams
-friendships are less intimate and expressive, the confidences they have are likely "group secrets"
-likely to have one-two-three solution to a problem
-tend to be left brained
-more interested in the activity than the person in whom they are doing the activity
-his sense of worth is tied to his activities

But the book didn't end just like that. On a brief account, it talks about the qualities of women, friendships, strength, weakness and so on. I recommend it to all women, as what Dr. James Dobson also said in the book. Happy Reading to whoever will find and read the book.

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